Reuters reports that "The NAR's chief economist, Lawrence Yun, said the market is 'scratching the bottom,' with sales holding at a deflated rate of around 5 million units for the past several months."
That is just what Yun's mentor the infamous David Lereah said in March 2007: "Sales have hovered for the last four months, scratching bottom and then coming up, scratching bottom and coming up again. We are comfortable this is now the bottom"
That is just what Yun's mentor the infamous David Lereah said in March 2007: "Sales have hovered for the last four months, scratching bottom and then coming up, scratching bottom and coming up again. We are comfortable this is now the bottom"
Well hot damn! If Lawrence says it's so, then it must be! I'm off to buy a house boys, wish me luck!
I was beginning to get nervous, because this is what the stock market is saying as well, but then I read that Lawrence Yun thought so, and so I knew it WAS NOT TRUE! Finally, he has proven informative!!
The realtwhores continue to lie but other groups are more honest. Why does the NAR seem intent on painting themselves as used car salesmen.
From the NAHB: Housing is in its "deepest, most rapid downswing since the Great Depression," the chief economist for the National Association of Home Builders said Wednesday, and the downward momentum on housing prices appears to be accelerating.
Talk about scraping bottom! When you guys pull this crap, you diminish the credibility of all REALTORS much more than anything Lawrence Yun says ever will.
Go out and sell real estate and serve your community...and stop trying to be clever.
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